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Jar bar meal planning tips
Appearances Rachel Engelhart Appearances Rachel Engelhart

Jar bar meal planning tips

It is National Nutrition Month and this year's theme is "fuel for the future." Registered dietitian Rachel Engelhart joins Good Day DC to show us how jar bar meal prepping can fuel your future while also being easy and sustainable.

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8 Easy, Dietitian-Approved Snacks That Give You a Jolt of Long-Lasting Energy (and You Can Buy Them All Online)
Quoted Rachel Engelhart Quoted Rachel Engelhart

8 Easy, Dietitian-Approved Snacks That Give You a Jolt of Long-Lasting Energy (and You Can Buy Them All Online)

When making your way to the snack aisles, Rachel Engelhart, RD, LPC, a registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor based in Washington, DC, recommends munchies rich in protein, fat, and fiber—which tend to have more staying power (meaning your appetite will be satisfied for longer) and prevent your glucose levels from spiraling.

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  • Rachel was incredibly helpful with meal prepping and made me realize that it is not impossible to be a working mom and have nutritious meals for myself and my kids. She is also creative, sweet, and down-to-earth and helps sets goals that are realistic and feasible. I would definitely recommend her services, especially to working moms who sometimes just need someone by their side to cheer them on! Thank you Rachel!


  • Rachel's positivity and tremendous support has encouraged us to commit to a healthy eating lifestyle. She guided us with meal planning advice and recipe suggestions that are nutritious, delicious, and fit for the whole family. We are truly grateful!

    T & D

  • I really like Rachel's approach to nutrition and how subtle changes can make a big impact. I started working with her when my doctor commented on my elevated glucose levels. Since working together, I have been successful at keeping my numbers in an appropriate range. I am a very satisfied client.
